Online documentation Hair Tool v2.31 For Blender
Discord server where you can get support and report bugs
Hair Tutorial Part 1 and Part 2 by SinHouse
YouTube channel with videos related to HTool
Business vs Individual license: if you are company with above 100k $ income you are Business. Otherwise you can buy individual license
Three main ways to generate hair-cards with Hair Tool:
using guide mesh (grid surface)
using particle hair interactive grooming
by drawing hair strands (similar to Grease Pencil drawing)
Some of the features:
- Automated UV workflow (random uv region assignment per hair strand)
- Texture preview directly on curve ribbons
- Curve modeling tools (extend, shorten, cut, move hair with IK physics)
- Hair library
- Go back and forth between curve and mesh ribbons
- Adjust ribbons profile (tapering radius, randomizing tilt, editing profile etc.)
- Convert: Curves to Particle Hair, Particle Hair to Curve ribbons, Curve ribbons to mesh ribbons and so on.
- Curve resampling and decimation (increase/decrease curve/ribbon points count)
- Generating vertex color/weights gradients, transferring UVs and vertex weights from character to mesh haircards.
- Texture baking (from curves or particle hair; supports: normal, ao, diffuse, tangent maps, ID maps, root map etc)
- Build-in addon auto-updater
- and more
Hair tutorials for Blender 2.8 series:
- Introduction video
- Working with materials and uv in Hair Tool 2.1
- Example of making hair in Hair Tool 2.1
Hair Tool can be used to export hair to Character Creator.
- Check out CCreator Smart Hair system
- Hair Tool to Character Creator workflow video tutorial
- Smart Hair Shader Part 1 – Basic Parameters & Base Color in CC
- Smart Hair Shader Part 2 – Effects & Save Materials in CC
Past Updates:
2.31 – 28.07.2021
fixed crash on loading some of hair presets
